Babies First! Program

The nurse can follow your pregnancy and child's growth from birth up to age 5 if possible. The nurse will:

  • Plan with you for a healthy pregnancy
  • Discuss your diet during your pregnancy
  • Share information you need about being pregnant, your growing baby and labor/delivery
  • Plan with you for the first few months after the birth of your child
  • Discuss how to feed your infant and educate on breast and bottle feeding
  • Can check your baby's developmental milestones as they grow for the first three years
  • Suggest ways you can help your child grow and learn
  • Make sure your baby can hear and see and that teeth are coming in well
  • If any problems occur, the nurse will put you in touch with others who can help

Oregon Public Health - Babies First!

If you are a professional who would like to refer Clients to our programs, see forms at the bottom of this page and fax to (503) 325-8678.