
The Clatsop County Fisheries Project is a collaborative, non-commercial effort by the county government, fishing industry, and state and federal agencies to develop a new fishery of premium-quality salmon that does not interfere with wild salmon runs and can be harvested without adversely affecting endangered native stocks.

The Fisheries Project functions as a research and production program.  Staff, with help from the fishing community, is experimenting with various methods to improve fish survival.

Fisheries Project staff happily provide tours and presentations to visiting students from schools and colleges throughout the United States.

The South Fork Klaskanine River Restoration Project is a collaborative effort among local, state, and federal agencies, programs, and individuals to restore habitat and upstream migration for wild trout and salmonids. The project restores upstream access to spawning and rearing habitats by removing a channel spanning concrete diversion dam and replacing it with a low-head diversion that allows the Clatsop County hatchery to obtain its water while providing fish with unimpeded upstream migration. In addition, the project provided a fish screen, stabilized the streambed against a headcut by re-building channel features, and provided instream habitat complexity. A total of 3.1 miles of spawning and rearing habitat on the South Fork and another low gradient tributary was made accessible for fish.

2001 Marine Dr #253
Astoria, OR 97103

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46.1891755, -123.8198354