Our Property Info page allows the public to easily search for parcel information, assessor maps, certified tax statements and payment history as well as appraisal information from any computer with internet access. All that is needed to find parcel information is either a physical address or the property tax account number to find what you are looking for.

GIS information for parcels can be found on the Clatsop County Webmaps page. 

Actually, you do not have to allow the appraiser into your home. In the event that the appraiser is unable to obtain interior access, the appraiser will ask for permission to complete an exterior inspection. If denied, the appraiser will complete the appraisal from the closest public right of way. In the event there are children with no adult present, the appraisal will leave a door hanger or card and immediately leave the property. At this point, the appraiser will complete the appraisal from the public right of way. Without the ability to measure or view the improvement, the appraisal will be completed based on the appraiser’s best judgement.

If you disagree with the value shown on your tax statement you must appeal to the Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) by Dec. 31 of the current year.

Your appeal rights are listed on the back of your tax statement. You may obtain Tax Appeal forms from the Clerk's office or the Oregon Department of Revenue.

You are eligible if you are a veteran with a disability of 40% or more or are the surviving spouse of a veteran. You may qualify for a tax exemption if you are an active duty member of the armed forces.

Read about the Senior Deferral and Veterans Exemption programs.

Information regarding other types of property tax exemptions is available from the Oregon Department of Revenue.

For assessment and taxation purposes, the following criteria must be met before tax lots can be combined together:

  • The properties must be contiguous
  • The properties must be held in the same legal ownership
  • All taxes must be paid in full on all properties involved
  • A contract or mortgage holder should be notified of the change

It is strongly recommended that you contact your local jurisdiction if the property has multiple dwellings or other improvements. Combining tax lots may have an effect on future land use. Please call your local planning department before requesting this process. 

It is the property owner's responsibility to notify the mortgager of the legal change to the property. The mortgage company may require the mortgage to be amended. Failure to amend the legal description may result in a segregation of the combined lots if a default of the mortgage was to occur

Property owners wishing to combine tax lots must fill out and submit the necessary form. Click here for the form: Request for Combining of Tax Accounts

A fee of $35.00 must be paid for each request. Payments should be made payable to Clatsop County. No personal checks will be accepted.

Feel free to contact the Clatsop County Assessment & Taxation office at (503) 325-8522 with any questions regarding the combining of tax lots.

If you want to review the values, you are welcome to contact an appraiser during county hours in person or via phone to address your concerns of valuation. If you are still not satisfied, you always have the right to file an appeal with the Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) after tax statements are mailed in October and by December 31 of the current year.

Statewide Ballot Measure 50 was approved by Oregon voters and passed by the 1997 Oregon Legislature as Senate Bill 1215.

This measure changed the way Oregon assesses property values and taxes. You can read more about Measure 50.

The front and back of the tax statement show the dates when payments are due. Nov. 15, Feb. 15 and May 15 are the regularly scheduled dates to pay your tax bill in thirds without discount or interest.

You can read more about Your Property Tax Statement or Understanding Your Property Tax System.

Please write, fax or e-mail your request. Our staff is ready to provide the information you need.

Please read the Fee Schedule.


You must. Our office makes every effort to send the tax statement to you, however, you are responsible to pay the tax whether or not you receive the statement.

Use this form to notify us of an address change online.

Your taxes are limited to change by the passage in 1997 of Ballot Measure 50, which was a constitutional amendment to the law limiting increases to property taxes for “ongoing maintenance and repairs” (GOMAR) for average to average plus condition of structures and other improvements. Exceptions to the rule pertain to omitted property, new improvements, and new construction over and above maintenance and repairs which may significantly change the quality class and market depreciation of a structure. For example, if a house is in average condition for age, GOMAR would be: replacing windows, new roof shingles, painting the exterior/ interior, replacing built-in kitchen appliances or bathroom fixtures, replacing floor coverings, and replacing an old furnace with a new furnace.

Please note that the appraisers are only looking for the real market value of the property. Appraisers are not qualified to determine building or code violations. 

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