FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

These new franchise agreements with Recology and Waste Management will add recycling services for those households in Unincorporated Clatsop County who currently receive garbage service.

A recall election occurs when enough registered voters residing in a district sign a petition stating they want the elected official to be recalled. The number of registered voters required is stated in Oregon Revised Statute 249.870

The company that is currently providing garbage service in your area will provide recycling services.

The district where the recall is occurring is responsible for paying the cost of the recall election.

With this additional recycling service solid waste fees will increase. By using the recycling bin for recyclables, some residents may not need as large or as many garbage containers and be able to offset that cost.

Yes, during the petition gathering process and through certification of election, the elected official is authorized to conduct the duties of that office.

No. When the cost for the recycling program was determined, it took into account that all current customers would participate in the recycling program.

The number of votes needed for a recall to be successful is 50% plus one. In other words, if 200 registered voters cast ballots, 101 votes need to be in favor of recalling the elected official. 

If you live in an incorporated city such as Astoria, Seaside, Cannon Beach or Warrenton, your solid waste service fees will not be affected by this agreement. 

If the number of votes necessary to recall the elected official is not reached, the elected official remains in office for the remainder of their term.

For Recology or Waste Management to add recycling services in Unincorporated Clatsop County, they may need to make adjustments to staff, equipment and routes of service. This carefully timed roll-out will ensure a smooth transition to recycling.

In Oregon, individuals may return their ballots by mail. These postmarked ballots must be received by seven days after an election to be valid. After that date, the Clatsop County Clerk has until the 27th day after the election to certify the election results. ORS 254.546(1)

That is to be determined at a later date.

The recalled official may not file for the remainder of their term but may refile for a brand-new term when it is next on the ballot.

Not at this time. 

The elected official leaves office as soon as the election is certified.

The more populated areas of Unincorporated Clatsop County served by Recology along the coast are being called suburban and inland areas are being called rural.

The Clatsop County elections director declares that the tabulation and canvassing of the election are complete and accurate and that the election results are a true and accurate accounting of all votes cast in a particular election. 

Depending upon the number of candidates, measures, and votes cast, the certification process can take up to 27 days to complete. ORS 254.545(3)

Yes, we created a fact sheet with maps showing service areas.

If the recall is successful, the position becomes vacant and is filled in accordance with state statute, local charter or ordinance. 

They will continue at their existing locations. 

The Clatsop County Board of Commissioners shall appoint enough district members to create a quorum. At that point, the newly constituted district board members may make appointments to fill the remaining vacant positions.

Recycling will be picked up every two weeks.

It is illegal in Oregon to improperly dispose of recyclables set out for recycling. All recyclables collected by Recology and WM are kept separate from landfill bound waste streams, and sent to other facilities for processing or directly to end markets. Did you know that Recology can arrange tours of the Astoria Transfer Station to see how recycling is managed?  Contact DBlue [at] recology.com (Dan Blue) at Recology for more information.

Since Recology and WM, the two garbage companies serving Clatsop County,  will have a franchise agreement with Clatsop County, their costs for services cannot change without approval of the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners.

On July 1, 2024, Recology customers will see a 3.9% inflationary cost increase reflected on their monthly bill for current garbage service. Customers only will see the increase associated with new recycling services on their bill once they have started receiving their new cart and recycling services. 

Any WM customers proposed rate schedule increase will be scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2025.

You may register to vote if:

  • You are an Oregon resident.
  • You are a U.S. citizen or will be a U.S. citizen before election day. 
  • You are at least 16 years of age.

You need to update your registration if:

  • You move or change your mailing address.
  • You change your name.
  • You wish to change your party affiliation.

Yes. The inactivated influenza vaccine can cause pain, redness, or tenderness at the site of injection. It can also cause muscle aches and low-grade fever, but because the vaccine viruses are completely inactivated, they cannot possibly cause influenza.

The live, weakened vaccine does have one side effect that can be quite serious. Because it is made of eggs, the vaccine contains small quantities of egg proteins. People allergic to eggs can have a severe, and rarely fatal, allergic reaction. For this reason, people who are allergic to eggs should not receive the influenza vaccine unless a physician administers it.

An affordable loan program is again available for homeowners and small businesses in Oregon to repair or replace failing septic systems.

Fixing or replacing failing septic systems benefits Oregonians by protecting public health and addressing threats to water quality.

The DEQ and regional nonprofit lender Craft3 are teaming up to make Craft3’s Clean Water Loans available throughout the state. The Oregon Legislature approved $2 million for the program in the last session and Craft3 began accepting loan applications on Nov. 1.

The affordable loan program provides flexible financing for homeowners to repair or replace their failing septic system. The program is also available to many small businesses that use septic systems, such as restaurants, convenience stores, and small manufactured homes or RV parks.

Properly functioning septic systems treat sewage to minimize groundwater and surface water pollution. A malfunctioning system can cause sewage to surface onto the ground or spill into waterways, creating a health hazard and harming natural resources.

These affordable loans not only cover all eligible costs for permitting, design, and installation, but they also provide for ongoing maintenance when needed. The loans have variable low rates based on the income of the borrowers and are designed to be accessible to borrowers who may not have perfect credit.

The Oregon Legislature established the program in 2016 (ORS 454.770), and DEQ entered a partnership with Craft3 to administer these loans from 2016 to 2020. Funding for this popular program was exhausted in 2020 and Craft3 stopped taking applications for loans in Oregon in June 2020. 

Before the program’s pause in Oregon, Craft3 provided more than $3.6 million in loans to 187 Oregon residents and small businesses to improve or install septic systems with previous funding from the legislature. Loan recipients were in 92 cities and 28 out of Oregon’s 36 counties. Of the total loans closed, 32% of households were low income, or 80% of Area Median Income.

At this time the plan would be to block off Westport Ferry Road at the railroad right-of-way which would result in a dead-end road, thus reducing traffic and putting off any additional work for several years other than any intersection work at the highway that may be required by ODOT.

Old Mill Town Road is planned to be constructed in a similar fashion to the proposed new road, but will not need to have all the infrastructure replaced as the heavy traffic would utilize the new road. 

There is no specific age provided by law. The good judgment of the parent or guardian is most important.

Generally speaking, there are three factors that must be considered: the maturity of the child, the environment provided for the child, and how long the child will be unattended. The best advice is to err on the side of caution, safety, and the best interest of the child. As a guideline, it is also advisable to be extra cautious with children younger than 10 years of age. If in doubt it would be wise to call the Department of Human Services, Child Welfare: (503) 325-9179.

Ideally, if a child must be left alone for a short period of time, a neighbor should be available to periodically check in on the child. Parents should also make regular phone calls to check on the child. It is not advisable to leave any child unattended for an extended period of time.

Some laws pertaining to leaving children at home alone:

Abandonment of a child: It is considered “abandonment of a child” if a parent or guardian of a child under 15 years of age deserts their child in any place with intent to abandon him or her. Abandonment is a felony crime, (ORS 163.535).

Child Neglect in the Second Degree: The law says a person who has custody or control of a child under 10 years of age commits the crime of child neglect in the second degree if, with criminal negligence, the person leaves the child unattended in or at any place for such a period of time as may be likely to endanger the health or welfare of such child. Child neglect in the second degree is a Class A misdemeanor (ORS 163.545).

Failing to supervise a child: A person commits the offense of failing to supervise a child if the person who is the parent, lawful guardian or other person lawfully charged with the care or custody of a child under 15 years of age and the child:

  • Commits an act that brings the child within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court as a delinquent;
  • Violates a curfew law of the county or any other political subdivision; or
  • Fails to attend school as required by law (reference ORS 163.577).

A contractor cannot perform land survey work unless he/she is also a licensed Professional Land Surveyor. Also, beware of survey technicians who may be skilled in only some aspects of surveying and are not licensed as Land Surveyors.

Land surveyors conduct most engineering surveys. They are knowledgeable and equipped to prepare topographic surveys, to supply control for aerial photography, to layout construction projects, to survey right of way for power lines and roadways, and so forth.

Not under normal circumstances. The obvious exception is if the surveyor from another state also possesses a license from the State of Oregon.

An engineer cannot perform survey work unless he/she is also a licensed Professional Land Surveyor.

Yes, either party can take the middle or surnames of the other or a hyphenated combination of them. This is a legal name change.

Yes, when parties are first cousins by adoption only, the domestic partnership is not prohibited or void.

No.  Your ballot has been cast as soon as you deposit it in the mailbox or at a drop site.  After that, you cannot receive a new ballot to re-vote.

In most cases it will not be possible to get more than an estimate, because many of the factors involved in the survey are indeterminable early in the process. Final cost is dependent upon the time required to perform research to obtain the necessary information of record, to perform preliminary fieldwork, to perform the required office computations, and to monument your lines on the ground. Most surveyors will prepare an estimate based on their experience in estimating hours of work (times their hourly fee schedules) which can be used as a basis for a written contract.

Generally no. The County has performed dust control on certain county roads over the years. At one time the dust palliative was available to us free. We have since had to pay for the material and the cost has steadily risen. We are gradually phasing out the program and new roads are not added.

Our Property Info page allows the public to easily search for parcel information, assessor maps, certified tax statements and payment history as well as appraisal information from any computer with internet access. All that is needed to find parcel information is either a physical address or the property tax account number to find what you are looking for.

GIS information for parcels can be found on the Clatsop County Webmaps page. 

Yes, as long as they are farming with the intent of making a profit in money and you are receiving an income from them. We may request a lease agreement as proof of income. If land is Non-EFU, income questionnaire must be completed and income of the farm operator must also be met.

A boundary line adjustment is used to move a common property line between two or more abutting parcels of land. If you and a neighbor wish to adjust the property lines between parcels, you must meet the county's “Procedures For A Property Line Adjustment.”

Currently, property line adjustments are allowed within a majority of the county's residential and resource zoning districts provided they meet the standards within the county code. A property line adjustment cannot be used to create a new parcel.

Partitioning or subdividing property depends on numerous factors. A proposed partition or subdivision may not result in the creation of any parcels smaller the minimum lot size for the underlying zone. If you want to partition or subdivide your property, phone us at (503) 325-8611. We will provide you with brochures and standards explaining the partitioning and subdivision process.

Permits expire one year after the date of issuance and may be renewed or reinstated by the original permittee one time only. They must be renewed or reinstated within one year of the expiration date of the original permit and will expire one year after the original permit expiration date.

Permits may be transferred from the original permittee to a new property owner if the transfer is completed before the original permit expires, and no changes in the permit are needed. Otherwise, a new permit is required. A transferred permit carries the same expiration date as the original permit.

Note: Fee for renewal, reinstatement, or transfer of a permit is less than that of a new permit - see the fee schedule.

The county recognizes two classes of home occupations, defined as follows:

  • Home Occupation: Any occupation or profession carried on by a member of the family residing on the premises and taking place within a single-family dwelling or an accessory building.
  • Home Occupation, limited: Any lawful activity commonly carried on within a dwelling by a member or members of the family, no employee or other person being engaged in the same and in which said activity is secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes.

A limited home occupation is permitted as an outright use in most of the county's residential zones. The full home occupation is usually allowed as a conditional use. For specific information, refer to the home occupation brochure on file at the County Land Use Planning Division office.

Yes, for updating address and/or mailing address only. For all other updates, you must complete a voter registration card and return it to our office.

No. You must register in Oregon in the county where you reside.

Under Oregon law, minors 15 and older may give consent to medical treatment, including vaccinations, without the consent of a parent or guardian. See the links below for more information.

The form must be completed, signed and notarized before registering and paying the fee with Clatsop County Clerk's Office.  County administrative policy does not allow county employees to notarize documents for the public, so notarizing the form must be done elsewhere.

Yes. Pregnant women are more likely to experience complications and hospitalizations as a result of infection with influenza. We are suggesting that they speak with their physician before receiving the vaccine.

No. All ballots are separated from the return envelope before the ballots are inspected.  This step ensures your vote stays confidential.

Yes.  That information is public record.  However, no one can find out how you voted.

A Land Surveyor is the only one qualified to prepare a plat for a proposed division of land. The Land Surveyor may prepare an individual description or, if lots/parcels are being created, the surveyor may prepare a legal plat with lot or parcel numbers for recording. Platting rules differ slightly with each county or city. A qualified surveyor would be familiar with local rules and procedures.

The surveyor will recommend an engineer to design streets, water supply system and sewer systems and to perform other engineering services that might be required. The Professional Land Surveyor will not attempt any aspects of engineering design which he/she is not qualified to perform.

All the property to the west of the Douma property are wetlands.  Wetland mitigation on a large scale as would be required to move the road west of the Douma property is too costly and mitigation sites are not available in our area.

No. Only one individual has to be an Oregon resident. State of residence is indicated on the form.

Yes, but you have to make an income from either the boarding, training or breeding of them.

Actually, you do not have to allow the appraiser into your home. In the event that the appraiser is unable to obtain interior access, the appraiser will ask for permission to complete an exterior inspection. If denied, the appraiser will complete the appraisal from the closest public right of way. In the event there are children with no adult present, the appraiser will leave a door hanger or card and immediately leave the property. At this point, the appraiser will complete the appraisal from the public right of way. Without the ability to measure or view the improvement, the appraisal will be completed based on the appraiser’s best judgement.

Actually, you do not have to allow the appraiser into your home. In the event that the appraiser is unable to obtain interior access, the appraiser will ask for permission to complete an exterior inspection. If denied, the appraiser will complete the appraisal from the closest public right of way. In the event there are children with no adult present, the appraisal will leave a door hanger or card and immediately leave the property. At this point, the appraiser will complete the appraisal from the public right of way. Without the ability to measure or view the improvement, the appraisal will be completed based on the appraiser’s best judgement.

No. You may mail your ballot or return it to any county elections office or any designated drop box site. 

Locations and schedules of official drop box sites in Clatsop County are listed on our website.

Yes. Employers must establish and implement a process to notify exposed employees that they had work-related contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. An exposed employee is defined as being within six feet of a confirmed COVID-19 individual for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or longer, regardless of whether one or both are wearing a mask. Employers must also notify affected employees (those who worked in the same facility or the same well-defined portion of the facility, such as a particular floor) that an individual present in the facility has confirmed COVID-19. These notifications should be made within 24 hrs of the employer being made aware of the positive case.

Please see page 14 in the link below for more complete guidelines on notification:

Division 1, 437-001-0744, Rule Addressing COVID-19 Workplace Risks (oregon.gov)

A plumbing permit is required to do the following:

  • To replace water heaters, alter piping inside a wall or ceiling or beneath a floor, and for plumbing in all new installations.
  • To do emergency repair, alteration, or replacement of freeze-damaged or leaking concealed piping, if new piping exceeds 5 feet.
  • To remodel or add on to your one- or two-family dwelling when existing plumbing is to be relocated. This includes installation of building sewers, water service, and rain drains outside the building.

A plumbing permit is not required in the following circumstances:

  • When a property owner does ordinary minor repairs to plumbing systems on his or her own property. "Ordinary minor repairs" means repair, replacement, or maintenance of existing accessible fixtures, parts, and appliances and their related water and drain attachments. Do not alter an existing plumbing system without a permit.
  • When a property owner or licensed plumber performs emergency repairs to or replaces freeze-damaged or leaking concealed piping, provided new piping doesn't exceed 5 feet in length.

If you are not sure if you need a permit, call the Building Codes Division at (503) 338-3697.

A permit is required to construct, enlarge, alter, move, or demolish any one- or two-family dwelling or related structure. For example, you need a building permit to:

  • Add a room.
  • Build, demolish, or move a carport, garage, or shed of more than 200 square feet.
  • Finish an attic, garage, or basement to make additional habitable living space.
  • Cut a new window or door opening or widen existing openings.
  • Move, remove, or add walls.
  • Apply roofing when all of the old roofing is removed and new sheathing is installed.
  • Build a stairway.
  • Build a deck more than 30 inches above grade.
  • Put up a fence more than seven feet high.

An electrical permit is required to do the following:

  • To install or alter any permanent wiring or electrical device.
  • To run any additional wiring, put in an electrical outlet or light fixture, install a receptacle for a garage-door opener, or convert from the fuse box to circuit breakers.
  • To install or alter low-voltage systems such as security alarms or stereo or computer systems.

For homeowners, a permit is not required to replace defective electrical devices as maintenance on an existing electrical installation.

You must be both the owner and the occupant of a dwelling to obtain a permit to do the electrical work yourself. You may not do work on a house or residential unit intended for sale, lease, rent, or exchange. If you do not own and do not intend to live in the unit, a licensed electrical contractor must do the work.

Effective Oct. 4, 1997, a landlord, landlord's agent, or the employee of the landlord or landlord's agent may replace an existing garbage disposal, dishwasher or electric water heater with a similar appliance of 30 amps or less, single phase, in residential properties, without an electrical license issued by the Building Codes Division.

If you have any questions concerning your eligibility to work on a building, call the Building Codes Division, (503) 338-3697.

If you own a Short Term Rental in the Unincorporated Area of Clatsop County you need to apply for a Short Term Rental Permit. See the link below for more information

If you own a Short Term Rental in the Unincorporated Area of Clatsop County you need to apply for a Short Term Rental Permit. See "Short Term Rental Application Packet" link for more information.

No. You only need to update your registration if you change:

  • Your residence or mailing address.
  • Your name
  • Your political party affiliation.

No, you can register the form at any Oregon County Clerk's office.

Yes, click here for more.

Generally, yes. The exception is when a petition for vacation indicates the approval of 100% of the property owners owning land abutting the road proposed to be vacated.

Yes, VRBO is currently registered with Clatsop County and collecting and remitting Transient Room Tax at this time. Please see correspondence below in the documents link.

No. Please do not require a negative test to return to work after a positive COVID test. People can continue to test positive for up to 90 days after COVID-19 infection even though they can no longer spread the disease. Employees who test positive must ISOLATE at home for a MINIMUM of 5 days, followed by 5 days of strict masking around others. People must not come out of isolation until symptoms improve and they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol.

No, it does not accumulate interest charges and will remain the same amount indefinitely.

No. The Board sets policy and approves regulations. They can accept the Planning Commission’s recommendations, reject the recommendations or modify them.

No. The Board sets policy and approves regulations. They can accept the Planning Commission’s recommendations, reject the recommendations or modify them.

A license does not allow you to carry it everywhere. You will get a notice that you can carry when you receive your license.

Federal Facilities: You cannot possess a firearm in a Federal Facility. The term “Federal Facility” means a building or part thereof owned or leased by the Federal Government or where Federal employees are regularly present for the purpose of performing their official duties. These areas include Federal Courthouses, the Post Office, Social Security Offices, and Recruiting Offices to name a few. You are not prohibited from carrying firearms or other weapons in a Federal Facility incident to hunting or other lawful purpose. (18 USC 930) You may not take a firearm into a military post without the authorization of the post commander.

Airports: You cannot possess weapons in certain areas of airplanes or airports. If you have questions regarding areas off limits or transporting firearms in luggage, you should check with the Transportation Security Administration or the airline you will be flying with. A CHL does not permit you to carry your firearm through the security checkpoint.

National Forests or Wilderness areas: Generally, persons who have obtained a valid concealed handgun license may carry their weapon onto the National Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management lands unless there is a specific order issued by the local administrator or forest ranger to the contrary. It is your responsibility to check on restrictions where you plan to visit. Be aware that any Ranger Station or Visitors Center in any National Forest is considered a Federal Building and it is illegal to carry there.

National Parks: Generally, persons who possess valid concealed handgun licenses are not prohibited from carrying their weapons into National Parks.

State Forest Lands: You may not possess loaded firearms on State forest lands that have been designated by the Forester as “Designated Recreation Areas”. These areas may include, but are not limited to campgrounds, camping areas, day-use areas, trailheads, staging areas, and boat launch sites. (OAR 629-025-0050)

Indian Reservations and Tribal Property: Because each tribal council makes the rules that apply to its reservation, the firearms rules on Indian reservations vary greatly. For the most part, non-Indians are prohibited from carrying guns on reservations, except with the permission of the tribal council. Therefore, your concealed handgun license probably has no meaning on most Indian reservations. This also applies to certain casinos operated by tribes.

School Property: Generally, persons who possess valid concealed handgun licenses are not prohibited from carrying their weapons on school property.

Court Facilities: Your CHL does not permit you to carry a firearm or other weapon into a court facility. A court facility is defined as a courthouse or that portion of any other building occupied by the Circuit Court, the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court, or the Oregon Tax Court, occupied by personnel related to the operations of those courts, or in which activities related to the operations of those courts takes place. This prohibition applies to the entire courthouse, not just the areas adjacent to the courtrooms. Violation of this law is a Class A Felony. (ORS 166.370(2)(a)).

Private Business: Businesses can make it a condition that you do not possess a firearm while being on the premises or in the facility. Most businesses do not regulate concealed carry, however, you should expect this to occur at gun or collectible shows, conventions, concerts, and sporting events (one facility that regulates weapons is the Rose Quarter in Portland). If you are found to be carrying a firearm when prohibited, you may be denied a ticket sale, be evicted from or not be allowed onto the grounds, and possibly face arrest for trespass if you refuse to leave. If you paid an admission, you may not get a refund. Most businesses or venues will be posted at the entrance if this applies, however, there is no law that requires it. If you are planning on attending an event and are unsure of the policies, you should call the facility or sponsor prior to attending.

No, it does not. It is not considered a farm practice.

Residents are concerned and so are we.

Customers have been reaching out with questions regarding what is happening with their water, where to obtain safe water, and the boil notice they have received. They have received little notification, communication, or reassurance from the current water system operator that their water is safe. 

We’ve been listening to customers concerns and working with OHA Drinking Water Services enforcement to get the water system back online with a new operator and with the water system in working order.

We know is important to ensure our community has safe clean water and we will continue working with our state partners for a resolution to this critical problem. 

Public Roads are typically maintained by adjacent property owners and road users.

This usually occurs in one of five ways:

  1. Informally: In which neighbors work together to hire a contractor or self-perform maintenance and “pass the hat” to share in the cost.
  2. Formally: Through homeowners associations (HOAs) or other formal agreements to share in the cost of maintenance.
    • LID’s local Improvement District
    • LID for Maintenance
    • County Forces

Click here for more information. 

Generally, if a well is located on the lot, two or more acres is needed for a standard septic system and a replacement area. If a lot is served by a community or public water system, a lot as small as 1/2 acre may be adequate.  Advanced treatment septic systems may be utilized for properties under 1/2 acre with limited area.

There are three ways to locate a septic system:

  1. Most septic records can be accessed through Clatsop County Webmaps here. 
  2. Instructions for accessing septic records through Web maps can be found here.
  3. If you are unable to locate septic records using Webmaps, please: 
  • Contact the Environmental Health office. If an as-built drawing exists we can e-mail or copy the appropriate plot plans.
  • Try to determine where the plumbing exits on the foundation and follow the sewage line to the tanks.
  • Contact a licensed septic pumper or installer who has the equipment necessary to help locate the system.

Written comments can be submitted to the Board of Commissioners by emailing commissioners [at] co.clatsop.or.us (.)  You can email the Clerk of the Board to sign up to speak at a public hearing or by calling 503-325-1000 by 3p.m. the day of the meeting.

Written comments can be submitted to the Board of Commissioners by emailing commissioners [at] co.clatsop.or.us.  You can email the Clerk of the Board to sign up to speak at a public hearing or call 503-325-1000.

There are four choices for putting money on an inmate’s books:

  • Dropping Money at the Jail – Bring money to the jail in person at 1250 SE 19th Street in Warrenton. Clatsop County Jail has a self-service kiosk in the lobby that accepts cash, debit, or credit cards. There is a small fee for using the kiosk. The kiosk is available 24 hours a day.
  • Mail the Inmate Deposit to the Jail – Mailing a deposit takes more time to process than other methods.  We cannot process cash or a personal check. Only send a Money Order from the US Post Office or another reputable source. Make the money order out to “Clatsop County Jail Inmate Trust” and put the adult in custody’s full name in the memo.
  • Make an Inmate Deposit over the Phone – Correctpay will accept deposits over the phone with a debit or credit card. To do this you will need the inmate’s offender number (Inmate ID#) and full legal name. Call  1-855-836-3364 to make an inmate deposit over the phone.
  • Deposit Inmate Money Online – Go to: https://www.correctpay.com/


Submit a ‘Request for Disqualification Estimate’ form with a $150 fee, and we will calculate that for you.

The Clatsop County Road Department is responsible for maintenance within the Clatsop county lines and outside of city limit lines. We only maintain roads that are accepted into the County Road System. “County Roads” are roads that have been accepted by the Board of Commissioners for county maintenance. If we are not maintaining your road then it may be a local access road, private road, city street, or state highway.

If you disagree with the value shown on your tax statement you must appeal to the Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) by Dec. 31 of the current year.

Your appeal rights are listed on the back of your tax statement. You may obtain Tax Appeal forms from the Clerk's office or the Oregon Department of Revenue.

You are eligible if you are a veteran with a disability of 40% or more or are the surviving spouse of a veteran. You may qualify for a tax exemption if you are an active duty member of the armed forces.

Read about the Senior Deferral and Veterans Exemption programs.

Information regarding other types of property tax exemptions is available from the Oregon Department of Revenue.

ORS 419B.552

An emancipated minor (someone younger than 18 years of age) is given certain legal rights, which are normally reserved for adults. In order to be emancipated, a minor must be between the ages of 16 and 18 years of age.

Emancipation Instructions

Emancipation Form

  • The person applying for emancipation must fill out the application completely. They must provide the names and addresses of both their parents.
  • Take the completed form to the Trial Court window on the main floor of the Clatsop County Courthouse with a check or money order in the amount of the appropriate fee made out to the Trial Court Clerk (Without payment, a case number will not be assigned and a hearing will not be set).
  • After the Trial Court Clerk receives the completed form and payment, an Emancipation Hearing will be scheduled in front of the Juvenile Court Judge. If there is an objecting party, they will voice their objection at the hearing.

Facts About Emancipation

  • An application must be filed with the Juvenile Court in the County in which the juvenile resides.
  • The minor submitting the application must be between the ages of 16 and 18 years old.
  • The application fee is $281. This fee must be paid when submitting the emancipation application. The fee is non-refundable even if the Court denies the request for emancipation.
  • A court hearing must be scheduled within 60 days of application.
  • The minor must be currently employed or have a reasonable means of income.
  • The minor must be substantially able to be self-maintained, self-supported, and sufficiently mature and knowledgeable to manage his/her own affairs.
  • Emancipation means the parents are no longer financially responsible for the emancipated child.

A decree of emancipation will serve for:

  • Contracting and conveying
  • Suing and being sued
  • Being recognized as an adult for criminal laws of this state

A decree of emancipation does not allow for:

  • Purchasing alcoholic beverages
  • Obtaining a marriage license
  • Voting in the State of Oregon

For assessment and taxation purposes, the following criteria must be met before tax lots can be combined together:

  • The properties must be contiguous
  • The properties must be held in the same legal ownership
  • All taxes must be paid in full on all properties involved
  • A contract or mortgage holder should be notified of the change

It is strongly recommended that you contact your local jurisdiction if the property has multiple dwellings or other improvements. Combining tax lots may have an effect on future land use. Please call your local planning department before requesting this process. 

It is the property owner's responsibility to notify the mortgager of the legal change to the property. The mortgage company may require the mortgage to be amended. Failure to amend the legal description may result in a segregation of the combined lots if a default of the mortgage was to occur

Property owners wishing to combine tax lots must fill out and submit the necessary form. Click here for the form: Request for Combining of Tax Accounts

A fee of $35.00 must be paid for each request. Payments should be made payable to Clatsop County. No personal checks will be accepted.

Feel free to contact the Clatsop County Assessment & Taxation office at (503) 325-8522 with any questions regarding the combining of tax lots.

“No-spray” zones may be established by property owners or tenants who prefer to maintain the vegetation along their road frontage rather than rely on mowing and spraying by the Road Department. No-spray zone request forms may be picked up at our office and are available online here.

Clatsop County Environmental Health maintains a list of the local installers in the area at this link.

After you have received an approved Site Evaluation, Construction/Installation permit or a Repair permit, you should contact a licensed installer for bids.  The list of licensed septic installers can be found here.

The zoning of your property depends upon its location. Most of the unincorporated land within Clatsop County is designated as resource land in one of the following zones: F-80 (Forestry-80 acres), AF (Agriculture Forest-80 acres) and EFU (Exclusive Farm Use-80 acres). However, we have other zoning categories as well. To find out your property's zoning:

Visit the Land Use Planning Division office at 800 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, Oregon. We have zoning maps available at the front desk for your review. With your legal description and ownership listing, we can provide you with the necessary Zoning information.

Phone the Land Use Planning Division office at (503)325-8611. With your legal description and ownership listing, we can tell you your property's zoning and explain it over the phone.

Or see our Zoning Guide.

Certified copies of the Declaration of Domestic Partnership can also be ordered from the Center for Health Statistics, also known as Oregon Vital Records. Only family members, their legal representatives, or persons or organizations with a personal or property right can order certified copies. Certified copies of the Declaration can only be issued after the original completed forms are filed with the Center for Health Statistics. Original forms completed during the preceding month are sent to the Center for Health Statistics on or before the 10th day of each calendar month. Once at the Center for Health Statistics, the records must be registered and entered into the vital records system. Therefore, it may take up to six weeks from the date of registration of the Declaration at the County for the Center for Health Statistics to have the record available for issuance of certified copies.

The cost is $20 for a first copy and $15 for each additional copy ordered at the same time.

Certified copies can be ordered via mail, internet, phone, in person or fax.

In person:

Oregon Vital Records

800 NE Oregon St., Suite 205

Portland, OR 97232-2162

Mail orders to:

Oregon Vital Records

PO Box 14050

Portland, OR 97293-0050

Phone orders: (971) 673-1190

Fax orders: (971) 673-1203

Internet orders: www.vitalcheck.com

Forms are available at our office at 820 Exchange Street, 2nd Floor, in Astoria.

Forms are also available to the public on the Department of Human Services, Center for Health Statistics web site at: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/birthdeathcertificates/registervitalrecor…;

Instructions for completing the forms are also available on the web site.

(NOTE: Forms printed from the web must be printed on legal sized paper - 8.5 inches by 14 inches. A gray stripe down the left hand side of the form is required to show that it is the standard approved form.)

You can also order the form via mail or e-mail from the Center for Health Statistics.

Vital Records - Center for Health Statistics

PO Box 14050

Portland, OR 97293-0050

Email: chs.vitalrecords [at] dhsoha.state.or.us

General Info: 971-673-1180

Orders Hotline: 888-896-4988

Please specify that you are ordering a Declaration of Domestic Partnership form. Include your mailing address and daytime phone number in any correspondence.

When you use a licensed contractor, the contractor will get the necessary permits. Always request and retain copies for your records.

If you are doing the work yourself, you can call (503) 338-3697, or visit us at 800 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, Oregon. Getting a permit is often as easy as filling out the application and paying the fee.

Contractor information:

Find a builder:

Find an electrical contractor:

Find a plumbing contractor:

Customers can also schedule inspection requests using one of the following methods:

Requests inspection by Online:    Epermitting Online 
Requests by Email:    buildingdivision [at] clatsopcounty.gov
Requests by Inspection Request Line: (503) 338-3698
Requests by Fax: (503) 338-3666


Inspection requests submitted to the Inspection Request Line, Fax machine, and Building Codes Division email are retrieved and processed at 7:30 a.m. each morning. Please allow up to 24 hours for faxed and emailed permit applications to be processed. Inspection requests for projects not yet permitted will not be scheduled. Please understand that when calling from a cell phone, your message may not be received clearly or completely and therefore unable to be processed. Inspection requests submitted to the general Building Codes Division voice messaging system, individual voice messaging systems, cell phone voice messaging systems or texts, or individual email accounts will not be processed.

When requesting an inspection please provide the following information:

  • The five digit permit number
  • The job site address
  • Inspection type
  • The contact information where you can be reached
  • Unless all of the work is outside and accessible, an adult needs to be at the site to provide access for the inspector.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the inspection request procedure to Building Official Van Wilfinger (503) 338-3697.

Clatsop County Road Department provides gravel road and driveway grading services to Private Citizens and Cities on an individual request basis. You can download a grading request form and send it to our office. Grading is performed when we are in the area.

Juvenile Records Expunction Form

The following paragraphs are a general explanation of rights and the process for the expunction of records under Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 419A.260 through 419A.262.

  1. Records expunction procedure: A person who is the subject of a record may apply for expunction with the juvenile department at any time, and if five years have elapsed since the most recent contact with a juvenile department, police, or other agency, and the person has not been convicted of a felony or Class A misdemeanor during that time, no proceedings are currently pending, and the juvenile department is not aware of a pending investigation of the person’s conduct by a police agency, the person may have a right to have the record expunged.

    When a person who is the subject of a record becomes 18 years of age, the record may be expunged if the person was never found to be within the juvenile court’s jurisdiction, or if the above conditions have been met. And, the court may order the expunction of all or any part of a record if the court finds that to do so would be in the best interests of the person and the public.

    If you turned 18 after Jan 2, 2022, and you were never found within the jurisdiction of the court. The juvenile department will process the expunction after you turn 18 AND your case is closed.

    If you were found within the jurisdiction of the court, you must apply for an expunction.
  2. Records that are expugnable include A fingerprint or photograph file, report, exhibit, or other material which contains information relating to a person’s contact with any law enforcement agency, juvenile court, or juvenile department which is kept manually, through the use of electronic data processing equipment, or any other means or an agency of the State of Oregon.

    “Record” does not include: Transcript of a student’s record at a youth correction facility, material on file with a public agency which is necessary for obtaining federal financial participation for financial assistance, records kept by the Department of Transportation (DMV), State Marine Board, and State Fish and Wildlife Commission, police or court records related to an order of waiver where the matter is still pending or on appeal or to any disposition as an adult, records related to support obligation, medical records, records of proposed or adjudicated termination of parental rights and adoptions, any law enforcement record of a person with current investigations or cases waived to adult court, records and case reports of the Supreme Court or Oregon Court of Appeals, or any records in cases of jurisdiction for the offenses in ORS 419A.260(b)(J), blood samples, buccal samples and other physical evidence maintained by the Department of State Police, and records stored in the Law Enforcement Data System.
  3. If the person is not eligible for mandatory expunction, a letter will be sent to the person indicating the reasons for non-eligibility.
  4. If the person is eligible, the district attorney of any Oregon county that possesses an expugnable record must be notified. Any district attorney may file a written objection to the juvenile department and the person, stating the reasons for the objection within 30 days after the district attorney receives notification. If a district attorney files an objection, no order of expunction may occur without a court hearing. If an Oregon district attorney objects to an expunction, the person may request a hearing and may request a court-appointed lawyer.
  5. Any agency subject to an expunction order shall respond to any inquiry by indicating that no record or reference exists. The person whose record is expunged may assert that the record never existed and that the contact never occurred without incurring a penalty for perjury or false swearing under the laws of the State of Oregon. Anyone intentionally releasing all or part of an expunged record commits a class C misdemeanor, and that person has a right of action against the violator for punitive damages in the amount of $1,000 in addition to any actual damages, costs, and attorney’s fees. Questions concerning the expunction of records should be directed to the juvenile department.

Call, Write, or visit our Office and ask about our Local Improvement District (LID) program. The LID program is designed to allow people to have their road improved to County standards and then accepted into the County system for continual maintenance.

Farm use is defined as the current employment of the land used for the primary purpose of obtaining a profit in money. To earn this benefit, you need to raise a product on the land to sell.

There are two ways you can find out:

  • Call the county elections office at 503-325-8511. We keep a record showing each voter whose ballot has been returned
  • Go online to My Vote and check the status of your ballot.

All appraisers are supplied with bright yellow door hangers to be placed on what the appraiser deems as the front door. If the gate is locked and the appraiser is unable to get to the front door it will be placed on the gate. The door hangers specifically state if the appraiser does or does not need additional information.

All county appraisers are driving county cars with the county logo on the doors. Each appraiser is required to carry visibly their county-issued identification badge. Additionally, the appraisers will have a business card and prepared yellow door hangers. Please ask to view these items if ever in doubt.

Most survey work is acquired through the personal recommendations of satisfied clients, or through attorneys, real estate companies, and title companies who frequently handle real estate transactions. If it is difficult to obtain a recommendation, probably the most direct way would be to check the listings under "Surveyors - Land" in the classified section of the telephone directory. According to Oregon law, only licensed practitioners can advertise themselves as Land Surveyors. While the County Surveyor's Office cannot make recommendations, they may be able to provide you with the names of surveyors who have worked in your specific area in the past. Surveyors should be able to provide you with references for their previous work.

There is no application for EFU, the Assessor must be notified of current farm use with the intent to make a profit.

For DF and STF applications are due by April 1 of the current tax year if certain criteria are met.

Non-EFU applications are due by April 1 of the current tax year. You land must be currently used, and have been used, for the previous two years exclusively for farm use, AND your land must meet the income requirements in three of the five years prior to submission of application.

You must be registered to vote to receive a ballot. 

A ballot will automatically be sent 20 to 14 days prior to the election to all registered voters who are eligible to vote in the election.  

Once you mark your ballot, place it in the return envelope. Be sure to sign the return envelope after verifying that your name and current residence address are correct. 

Returning Your Ballot

You may mail your ballot: Ballots received from the United States Post Office after election day will be accepted if they are:

  • postmarked on or before Election Day AND
  • received by the 7th day after the election, AND
  • you have signed the envelope

Your return envelope is postage-paid, so there is no need for a postage stamp. 

Or, you may drop off your ballot at the Public Services Building, 820 Exchange St., Astoria, and other designated ballot drop sites by 8 p.m. on election day.

Permits ensure that a certified inspector inspects the construction project or installation. Inspections help make sure work is done safely and to code. When an inspector approves work, you can ask questions from an expert and know that the work has been checked for safety violations. This is of particular value to the do-it-yourselfer who doesn't make installations every day. Incorrect installations can result in house fires, flood damage, and/or structural problems.

Permits are designed to help ensure that licensed contractors do the work if the homeowner doesn't handle the job. Only Construction Contractors Board (CCB) licensed contractors, and those who carry a trade license, such as plumbers and electricians, are allowed to legally work in Oregon. State and local building departments issue permits only to contractors who are properly licensed and bonded.

Clatsop County Environmental Health is a resource for water system operators. We monitor for water quality alerts, provide technical assistance, and routinely conduct water system surveys.

Depending on what is observed during surveys and investigations, corrective actions and steps may be needed to return the water system to compliance. Typically, corrective actions are taken immediately by the water system operator.

When the Oregon Health Authority determines there are water system violations that have not been corrected, an administrative order is issued requiring certain actions. 

Evergreen Acres is a small water system serving 47 households in a rural, unincorporated community and it has an older system infrastructure. It is also operated by a single individual with limited funding and resources.


Domestic Partnership means the civil contract entered into in person between two individuals who are at least 18 years of age, who are otherwise capable and at least one of whom is a resident of Oregon.

This is a legal form and it must be completed in black or dark blue ink and should not be altered. Forms can be hand or type written. All sections of the form need to be completed. The forms must be signed by both individuals entering into the domestic partnership. Signatures must be acknowledged by a notary public.  Please be aware, Clatsop County administrative policy does not allow county employees to notarize documents for the public.

DMV and Social Security require a certified copy of your domestic partnership to make a name change. You may purchase a certified copy of your domestic partnership from the Clatsop County Clerk's office for $7.75, plus $5.00 postage and handling for mail service. Additional copies are $4 if ordered at the same time. When requesting a certified copy of your domestic partnership, please include the date of the service, names of both partners, and address where the license should be mailed. Please make the request two weeks after the date of the service to make sure it has been recorded.

There are two influenza vaccines.

The “inactivated” influenza vaccine is made by taking influenza viruses, growing them in eggs, purifying them, and completely inactivating them with the chemical formaldehyde. This vaccine is given as a shot. The “live, weakened” influenza vaccine (FluMist) is made so that it cannot grow in the lungs. However, because the weakened viruses can grow in the lining of the nose, they induce an excellent protective immune response. FluMist is also made by growing the viruses in eggs. This vaccine is given as a nasal spray.

Both vaccines contain the three different strains of influenza viruses likely to cause disease that year.

It looks like 2-3 weeks.  This is a 2-dose series so for full protection, it takes 2-3 weeks after the last shot. 

New concealed handgun licenses must be issued in 45 days under the law. A renewal is generally processed within two to three weeks.

A Site Evaluation is valid as long as the property doesn’t experience significant disturbances of the soil layers that will adversely affect system function.  These activities include, but are not limited to, vehicular traffic, livestock, covering the area with concrete or asphalt, cutting/filling or other soil modification activities. 

A Construction/Installation permit is valid for one year.  It can be renewed for a year for a fee.

A Repair permit is also valid for 1 year.  However, if there is an enforcement action driving the necessity of having a repair permit, the installation of the system should happen as soon as possible as directed by the inspector. Under special circumstances, the Repair permit can be renewed for a fee.

The concealed handgun license is valid for four years from the date of issuance.  If you transfer your license from another Oregon county, you will keep the same expiration date.

They are required to ISOLATE for a minimum of 5 days. Additionally, they must be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours, and symptoms must improve before coming out of isolation. They can then resume work but wear a mask around all others for a further 5 days.

Generally, the turnaround time for a

Site Evaluation is 7-10 days. 

Construction/Installation permit is 5-7 days.

Repair permit 7-10 days. 

Please note that turnaround times may vary due to workloads and weather conditions. 

Fees are based on the type of system that is going to be constructed.  The current fee schedule can be found here.

The fee is paid when you apply through our website.  For a first-time license: $115.00 payable to Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office. This fee includes the $15.00 fee to process your fingerprints.

For a renewal: $75.00  

For a renewal with a transfer $90.00

For a transfer without a renewal: $30.00 (Includes $15.00 fingerprint fee)

For an address change or replacement: $15.00

There is a small convenience fee assessed by the website for processing.

The tax break the property receives is not based on a lower tax rate, or percentage of value. It will be determined by your soil class and number of acres placed into special assessment. This varies from property to property. You will have to wait until you receive your upcoming tax statement to determine your deferred tax benefit.

The law requires that each individual must be at least 18 years of age.

If your application is denied, you will receive a letter from our Sheriff's Office outlining the reasons for the denial. You may petition the Circuit Court for a review of the denial within 30 days of receiving the letter.

If your DD214 indicates that you are competent with a handgun, sidearm, or pistol it will qualify. If your DD214 does not show this or shows “small arms”, we cannot accept it for competency even if you used a handgun while in the service. (Small arms are defined by the Department of Defense as weapons intended for use by individual members of armed or security forces. The definition includes not only handguns but rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, and light machine guns.)

As on any other local access road, it means that you and your neighbors are responsible for maintaining the road. In dedicated ways, this is done through a formal agreement. The county is not responsible for regular maintenance of the road.

The type of septic system required is determined based on the type of soil present and depth to the water table or other restrictive barrier like a clay pan or a perched water table.  You will need to meet with a licensed septic system installer to discuss your plans.  Once you have determined the best plan, you will need to apply for a Site Evaluation from Clatsop County Environmental Health. The Site Evaluation process will include the excavation of test holes in the area identified by the installer and onsite inspector as meeting minimum setbacks and other necessary features.  The onsite inspector will evaluate the soils and determine what type of system is prescribed under State of Oregon DEQ Onsite Wastewater Rules. You will receive a Site Evaluation Report describing septic system recommendations for the property.

Repair Permits are required for repairing/replacing failing septic systems that serve existing facilities.

Alteration Permits are required for altering/upgrading a septic system for an existing facility that has not failed.

Authorization Notices are required when connecting or reconnecting to an existing septic system not currently in use, adding bedrooms or additional structures, or replacing a residence with another.  If the septic system is more than 10 years old an existing system evaluation may be required to be performed by a licensed septic provider.

Existing System Evaluations are completed to determine the location and size of a system and to check if the system is currently functioning properly. 

Call Clatsop County Elections at 503-325-8511 and our staff will be happy to assist you.

Step One: Apply for a site evaluation. The site evaluation determines if a site is acceptable for a septic system. If the site is acceptable, the site evaluation identifies the best location, type, and size of system for the undeveloped property.

Step Two: Submit an application for a construction/installation permit. Once the application is received, the documents will be reviewed and either approved or denied within two to five business days. If approved, a construction/installation permit is issued.

Step Three: Construction/Installation permit is issued. Once you receive the permit, you may begin installation of the septic system. You are required to submit a request for final inspection after the installation is complete, but before the system is backfilled.

Step Four: After the final inspection is completed and approved, backfill the installation.

Clatsop County does not have jurisdiction within the county's incorporated cities (Astoria, Cannon Beach, Gearhart, Seaside, Warrenton). You must contact the city in which the property is located for information about zoning, getting a development permit or for other use information. If you are in the Urban Growth Boundary, the city also administers the zoning of your property. Contact information for the city planning departments is below.

  • Astoria: (503) 338-5183
  • Cannon Beach: (503) 436-8040
  • Gearhart: (503) 738-5501
  • Seaside: (503) 738-7100
  • Warrenton: (503) 861-0920

If a local access road can be improved to county standards for right-of-way width, base course, width of roadway surface, and so on, it can be accepted as a county road and be maintained by the county.  See our Local Improvement District page for more information.   

When land is annexed to a city, the jurisdiction for many government services becomes the city's. However, roads and streets are an exception. County roads do not automatically become city streets upon annexation. The city must formally accept the street as part of its system. To have your road converted to a city street you should contact your city’s administrative office.

Whether you can build a house on your land depends on several factors:

  • The property must be a legal building lot. Before you can get a development permit you will need to make sure that your property meets the legal definition of a “legal building lot.” The Land Use Planning Division office has a Lot-of-Record Determination process. Application forms are available at our office. There is a $250 fee.
  • The property must meet all applicable zoning regulations and must have been created legally.
  • The property must be physically buildable.
  • Do you have a source of water? Can a septic system be installed? Is the property in the floodplain? Is the property in a geologic hazard area?
  • Do you have legal access to the site?

Yes. This must be done by having the county formally vacate the road as part of the county road system (or as a public road if it is a local access road). To vacate a road the County Board of Commissioners must find that there is no public need for the given right-of-way and that no one's access to property would be cut off due to the road vacation. Please see our webpage on Road Vacations for more information.

If you observe a child being abused or neglected you should call the Department of Human Services Hot Line

1-855-503-SAFE (7233) and/or your local police department.

You can file a complaint with the Onsite Septic Program.  You can remain anonymous when reporting your concern.   You can contact us to report the complaint at (503) 325-9302 or by email at envhealth [at] co.clatsop.or.us.

If farming ceases, the property will be disqualified and removed from special assessment. It will then begin to be assessed and taxed at its real market value. In addition, the last 5–10 years (maximum) of deferred taxes will be calculated and that amount will be applied to the property as a Potential Additional Tax Liability.

No. It is not recommended. The employee should remain at home and follow the recommendations below for an individual with a positive COVID-19 test result.

You can file a complaint with the Onsite Septic Program.  You can remain anonymous when reporting your concern.   You can contact us to report the complaint at (503) 325-9302 or by email at envhealth [at] clatsopcounty.gov

We asked the railroad this same question hoping to at least be able to maintain emergency access.  Their response was no due to past experiences.  The railroad requires the road's hard surface within their right-of-way to be removed.  Once removed, even occasional traffic creates a mudhole.  The rail safety board has fined others in the past for not maintaining these emergency crossings, so they are no longer allowed.

Some portions of a juvenile record are confidential, while others are not. Generally, a juvenile record consists of two parts, social and legal. The social file contains reports and material relating to the youth’s history and prognosis and is considered confidential.

This information is not to be disclosed directly or indirectly to anyone other than the judge of the juvenile court, those acting under the judge’s direction, and the attorneys of record, except at the request of the youth. Information in the legal file that can be released includes the name and date of birth of the youth, the basis for the juvenile court’s jurisdiction over the youth, date, time, and place of any juvenile court proceeding in which the child or youth is involved, the act alleged by the youth, level of resistance at the time of arrest, and that portion of the juvenile court order providing for the legal disposition of the charge. If a youth has no legal file but has been placed on a Formal Accountability Agreement the following information is not confidential:

  • The name and date of birth of the youth
  • The act alleged
  • The portion of the agreement providing for the disposition of the crime

Further information contained in reports or the child’s history and prognosis may be released if, in the professional judgment of the juvenile counselor, caseworker, teacher, or detention worker, that information indicates a clear and immediate danger to another person or to society.

Traditionally, contracts for surveys have been by oral agreement. Many surveys have been requested over the phone. However, in recent years it is becoming more common for the client to visit the Land Surveyor's office, discuss requirements of the survey, and enter into a written contract (which tends to assure a better understanding between the client and the Land Surveyor). A good contract contains a clear understanding of services to be provided, costs, time lines, and extra work contingencies. A good contract protects both the client and the surveyor.

A general rule of thumb is if your property address is 5 numbers long, you’re in unincorporated Clatsop County.

Declaration of Domestic Partnerships filed with the Center for Health Statistics are vital records.  Access to the record is restricted for 50 years after the event to family members and their legal representatives, persons or organizations with a personal or property right.

Yes, the fee for registering with Clatsop County is $50.

No. They must be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours, and be significantly improved before returning to work. Symptoms of reduced taste and smell may continue for weeks and do not require the person to isolate for longer.

The proposed new road would be a County road for all to use.  Teevin Bros. is under no obligation to construct a new road to access their barging operations as they pay road taxes just like all other users of our road system.

For information about county roads, local access roads, and private roads, please call us at (503) 325-8631. For information about State forest roads, you should contact the appropriate Oregon Department of Forestry, Astoria District and for information about any road within city limits, please call your city’s administrative office.  For state highways please contact the Oregon Department of Transportation at (503) 325-7222.


They are not required to quarantine, but they may wear a mask around others for 10 days following their exposure and may seek a test 5 days after the exposure. They should consider avoiding unnecessary visits with high-risk individuals. Following an exposure employees should watch for COVID-19-like symptoms for 10 days.

If COVID-19 symptoms develop they should stay home and get tested. If the test is positive, they should follow isolation guidance.

COVID tests should be done immediately after symptoms start, regardless of vaccination status. If an employee tests negative but is sick, they may still have COVID-19. Any sick employee should stay home and return to work only once they are well.

If an employee takes a negative test but has symptoms of COVID-19, they may have tested before the virus was detectable or may have another illness, such as the flu.

Some self-tests are designed to be used in a series (also known as serial testing). Consider repeating the self-test 24 to 48 hours later. Multiple negative tests increase the confidence that the person is not infected with the virus that causes COVID-19

When the Land Use Planning office receives a complaint, the code compliance specialist is assigned to follow up. The code compliance specialist examines the site without trespassing and determines if the alleged use violation exceeds what is allowed in the land use code. While an adjacent property owner can consider some uses annoying, the use may be legally allowed by the ordinances. In such cases, the property owners in question may have to work out the issues privately.

Contact us at (503) 325-8611 to request a complaint form or download a fillable complaint form. Be sure to include the location of the property as well as a description of the activity occurring. Complaint forms can be emailed to codecompliance [at] co.clatsop.or.us (.)

Yes.  The vaccine is over 90% effective, but there is still a chance you can catch COVID-19.  With different strains emerging and unanswered questions about how long immunity lasts, it is still best to protect yourself with: wearing a mask, staying 6 ft away from other people, washing your hands frequently.

Not necessarily. Competency, service and responsibility are of first importance. Since low cost and high quality are often inconsistent, and judging the amount of work necessary to produce a quality survey may be difficult before the project begins, it is probably unreasonable to expect your surveyor to "bid" on a project, then stick to the bid price.

Inspections help ensure that work meets the building code. Inspections not only reveal minor problems that could lead to costly repairs, but also liability and life-safety concerns such as structural weaknesses, dangerous wiring, or defective plumbing.

When it comes to selling a house, realtors and lenders may require that any construction work be done with permits to ensure that the house is safe for future occupants. If work is not permitted, instead of closing on your home, you'll have to scramble to catch up with permits and inspections and additional repair work if the installations weren't made to code.

Here's what homeowners can do to protect themselves:

Insist on permits. It doesn't pay to cut corners when it comes to your biggest financial asset -- your home.

Check a contractor's CCB license to ensure that a contractor is legally licensed and bonded to work in Oregon. Beware of a contractor willing to work without permits.

Use or insist that the contractor use only licensed plumbers and electricians . Along with homeowners working on their own homes, only licensed plumbers and electricians are legally allowed to do plumbing or electrical work in Oregon. Professional licenses reflect four years of intense training and annual continuing education and ensure that contractors are qualified to do the work.

A "setback" is the required distance between a structure and a boundary line, such as a property line, another building or a different zone. The setback requirement varies depending on the zoning classification, road adjacency, adjacency to a resource zone or riparian area and, in some cases, a building envelope established through the platting of a subdivision. To find your setbacks, either call the Land Use Planning Division office at (503) 325-8611 or come to our office for our residential and resource zoning districts setbacks brochure.

An offense is a “violation” if:

  • The offense is so described in the statute defining the offense.
  • The statute prescribing the penalty for the offense provides that the offense is punishable only by a fine, forfeiture, fine and forfeiture or other civil penalty (ORS 161.565). Under most circumstances, the fine limitations for violations are the same as those for misdemeanor crimes.

 An offense is a “crime” if a sentence of imprisonment is authorized. A crime is either a misdemeanor or a felony, (ORS 161.525). Misdemeanor crimes generally are considered less serious than felony crimes.



A crime is a misdemeanor if it is so designated in any statute of Oregon or if a person convicted thereof may be sentenced to a maximum term of imprisonment of not more than one year, (ORS 161.545). A fine can also be imposed.

Theft in the second and third degree (shoplifting), harassment, and some criminal mischief crimes are examples of misdemeanor crimes. Misdemeanor crimes are classified for the purpose of the sentence into the following categories:


Misdemeanor Classifications
Classification Maximum Term Fines
Class A  1 year $6,250
Class B 6 months  $2,500
Class C  30 days     $1,250


A crime is a felony if it is so designated in any statute of Oregon or if a person convicted under a statue of this state may be sentenced to a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year, (ORS 161.535). A fine can also be imposed. Unauthorized use of a vehicle, theft in the first degree, burglary, robbery and some assaults are Felony crimes.

Felony crimes are classified for the purpose of the sentence into the following categories: 


Felony Classifications
Classification Term Maximum Fines
Class A   20 years  $375,000
Class B 10 years $250,000
Class C   5 years  $125,000








Classification    Term    Maximum Fines

Class A    20 years    $375,000

Class B    10 years    $250,000

Class C    5 years    $125,000


There is a non-refundable fee of $1,284 to begin the process of vacating a road.  Additionally, if the vacation action is approved by the Board there is a recording fee in the amount of $154 and the possibility of a Surveyor fee of $450 if the vacation action is affecting platted land.  NOTE: Fees are subject to change during the annual fee update process.

If your land is 6.5 acres or less you must meet the minimum income requirement of $650. If your land is more than 6.5 acres and less than 30 acres, your gross income from the farm use must be $100 multiplied by the number of acres. If the land is 30 acre or more, your gross income from the farm must be at least $3,000. You land must be currently used, and have been used, for the previous two years exclusively for farm use.

We are limited in what we can do but we are doing everything we can.

The responsibility to deal with water system providers who are not providing safe drinking water is held with the Oregon Health Authority. 

Here is what we Clatsop County has and will continue doing:

  • We are in daily contact with our state partners to find a solution for the current situation. We are dedicated to ensuring you have access to safe clean water in all Clatsop County water systems. 
  • We are encouraging people to be more aware about where our water comes from and who our water system operators are. 

To qualify for DF there must be at least 2 contiguous acres of forestland with common ownership that meets the stocking requirements and be held for the primary purpose of growing and harvesting trees.

To qualify for STF the land must first qualify for DF. All contiguously owned properties must be in STF – can’t be a combination of DF and STF, but you can have other special assessments programs, such as the farm programs on any additional acres beyond the minimum 10 acres. 

Once a valid petition requesting the vacation has been received and the filing fee paid, the county road official prepares a written report on whether the vacation would be in the public interest. Once the report is received, a time and place for a hearing is established and notice is given of the hearing. New or controversial information may be presented to the Board before or during the hearing. More details on road vacation procedures are found in Oregon Revised Statutes 368.326 to 368.366. Ultimately it is the Board of Commissioners who will approve or deny the vacation of a public road.

Typical symptoms of influenza include fever, chills, muscle aches, congestion, cough, runny nose and difficulty breathing. Other viruses can cause symptoms similar to influenza. However, the influenza virus is the more common cause of severe, fatal pneumonia.

Because influenza is a virus, it can’t be successfully treated with antibiotics.

Fully vaccinated people face fewer restrictions and are able to take part in more activities.

See the full list here.

You do not need a permit to do the following minor repairs and maintenance on a one- or two-family dwelling:

  • Paint buildings that are not historic landmarks.
  • Blow insulation into existing homes.
  • Put up storm windows.
  • Install window awnings not more than 54 inches deep (and not in a design zone or historical district) that are supported by an exterior wall and do not project beyond the property line.
  • Replace interior wall, floor or ceiling coverings, such as wallboard or sheet vinyl.
  • Put up shelving and cabinets.
  • Install gutters and downspouts (A plumbing permit is required for stormwater disposal.)
  • Replace or repair siding on a wall that is three feet or more from a property line.
  • Replace or repair roofing, if there is no replacement of sheathing (a maximum of two layers of roofing is allowed).
  • Replace doors or windows if the existing openings aren't widened (unless in a historical district).
  • Build a fence up to 6 feet high.
  • Pave a walkway.
  • Build a patio or deck that is not more than 30 inches above grade.

The juvenile court judge has many options from dismissal to confinement in a youth correctional facility. The most common option used by the court is probation.

The juvenile court judge has many options from dismissal to confinement in a youth correctional facility. The most common option used by the court is probation.

The primary difference is in who is responsible to maintain the road: state, county, city or local property owners. The status also affects who must be contacted about permits for action in the right-of-way. A public road exists to allow the public to travel so gates or other blockages are only permitted under extraordinary circumstances.

See our INFORMATION TO CHL APPLICANTS document here on our website.

Completed, signed, and notarized forms must be signed and registered by a County Clerk to be valid.  Clatsop County Clerk's office, located at 820 Exchange St., Ste. 220, Astoria, hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

After a youth is taken into custody or has contact with law enforcement, the officer will prepare a report and send it to the juvenile department and district attorney's office.

The District Attorney's office will review the report and decide how best to work with the youth and hold the youth accountable for his or her actions.

If, at initial law enforcement contact, the juvenile was detained in our detention center, the court process begins almost immediately. If the juvenile was not detained at that time, the juvenile department will set up an intake interview. This typically occurs within 2 to 3 weeks of law enforcement contact.

The act of recording a subdivision triggers a disqualification from special assessment, and the deferred taxes from the past 5–10 years will become due before the plat can be recorded at the Clerk’s office.

Typically, 1 acre is disqualified from special assessment. In an EFU zone, that acre is then taxed at a reduced value as a homesite along with onsite developments. The home must be owned and occupied by a person who is involved in the farm/forest operation. In a Non-EFU zone, the additional tax is calculated for 1.0 acre and extended to the next tax roll. That acre is then assessed and taxed at market value.

The special assessment status will remain with the land unless otherwise requested by the owner or buyer. If the land being transferred no longer qualify for the special assessment, it will be disqualified and the deferred tax will be assessed to the current land owner and it may or may not be collectable.

Every County Clerk registering Declaration of Domestic Partnership must send the original forms completed during the preceding month to the Center for Health Statistics on or before the 10th day of each calendar month.

The assessor will send a new STF application to the new owners. If the new owners do not own over the 5000 acres in Oregon they may apply to continue to receive the STF special assessment. If the new owners do not apply the land will be disqualified from STF and the potential addition tax will be collected. The land will then revert to the designated forestland special assessment program and the land is not eligible for Small Tract Forestland special assessment for a period of five years.

When the decision is made to involve the youth in the juvenile court process the juvenile department files a petition with the court.

A petition is a written request to the court for a hearing with a judge. It outlines the charges alleged against the youth and provides the court with contact information for the youth and the youth’s parents or legal guardians.

Everyone involved will receive notification from the court detailing when they need to appear in court. If the youth fails to appear for any hearing, the judge may order that an arrest warrant be issued.

At the first court appearance, the juvenile and parents of the juvenile are made aware of the allegations and allowed the opportunity to consult with an attorney. If the juvenile or parents of the juvenile cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed. 

If you move, you must file a change of address with our office. If you move out of county in Oregon, you must apply for a change of address in the Oregon county you move to. A new license with your address change will be issued. The cost is $15.

If you want to review the values, you are welcome to contact an appraiser during county hours in person or via phone to address your concerns of valuation. If you are still not satisfied, you always have the right to file an appeal with the Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) after tax statements are mailed in October and by December 31 of the current year.

If you want to review the values, you are welcome to contact an appraiser during county hours in person or via phone to address your concerns of valuation. If you are still not satisfied, you always have the right to file an appeal with the Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) after tax statements are mailed in October and by December 31 of the current year.

We will send you a "Notice of Unsigned Ballot Envelope" with instructions on what you need to do to have your ballot counted.

If you make a mistake that cannot be corrected, call the elections office and ask for a replacement ballot. We will mail one to you as long as your request is received with sufficient time for mailing. 

Otherwise, you may pick up a replacement ballot in person.

You may request an absentee ballot be sent to you at another address. You can download and print an Absentee Ballot Request Form and mail, fax, email or drop off the completed form at the Elections office. Include your name, local address, and mailing address where you want the ballot sent.

820 Exchange St, Ste 220, Astoria, OR 97103

503-325-9307 fax            email: clerk [at] co.clatsop.or.us

The appraiser can either make an appointment during the county work hours to view the property or the appraiser will have to complete the appraisal based on appraiser’s best judgement. The appraiser will gladly review the appraisal details with a property owner over the phone. If there are significant issues with the property which negatively affect the real market value of the property, the appraiser must be allowed a physical inspection to appraise the impact upon market value.

If you are currently registered to vote in Clatsop County but have moved within the county, you will need to update your registration by completing a new registration card with your new address. You can mail it to us at Clatsop County Elections, 820 Exchange St., Suite 220,  Astoria, OR 97103.

If your ballot does not arrive within 5 days after we’ve mailed them, please call the Clatsop County Elections Office at 503-325-8511. After we check your voter registration status, we will send you a replacement ballot or explain your other options.

It is not uncommon to discover during the survey process that there are existing fence or building encroachments or other problems. There are many methods of resolving property line disputes, the most expensive of which is resolution before a court of law. More congenial resolutions require the cooperation of both parties; creation of an easement, adjustment of a property line, even maintaining the status quo are among the options to be considered. Your surveyor and your attorney can help you determine the best option for resolving property conflicts.

Furnish the Land Surveyor with an explanation of why the survey is desired (if requested, he/she will maintain confidentiality). With the client's purpose in mind, the Professional Land Surveyor can work more efficiently and thus reduce costs. If you have a deed or mortgage description, aerial photograph of the land, or an abstract, give a copy to the Land Surveyor. In addition, if you have knowledge of a stone, wooden stake, iron rod or pipe, etc. which was reported to you as a property corner, pass that information along to the Land Surveyor. He/she will make the professional judgement as to which evidence should be used.

Construction plans should be submitted electronically in .pdf format. All plan reviews are completed electronically. Once the review is completed and the permit is ready to issue, you will have electronic access to your approved plans. You must print at least one color copy to keep on the construction site at all times. Failure to have an approved set of plans on site will because your inspection to be canceled and possible reinspection fees.

Typical plans include (but are not limited to) the following drawings; a site plan, erosion control plan, foundation plan, floor plans, roof framing, lateral bracing design, truss details and layout plan, energy measures, and cross sections showing construction details. In addition, you will need:

  • The address and legal description of the property
  • A description of the work proposed
  • The owner's name, address and phone number
  • If a contractor is doing the work, the contractor's name, address, phone number, and state license number

A delinquent act is a law violation, which if done by an adult (someone 18 years or older) would be a crime. A juvenile who steals a car and is convicted is thought of as someone who has committed a delinquent act, (an act which would be a crime if he or she were an adult) and to be a delinquent. Youth who commit delinquent acts are thought of as more serious offenders than status offenders.

A status offense is a law violation, not a delinquency, crime, or violation, which only applies to juveniles. For example, curfew is a status offense. Other examples of status offenses include:

  • Runaway
  • Truancy
  • Possession of tobacco
  • Possession of alcohol, (this applies to individuals under the age of 21).
  • It is beyond control.
  • Behavior such as to endanger the welfare of the youth or others.

House Bill 2032, passed during Oregon’s 2023 legislative session, removes restrictions on the sex of partners entering into Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships. Starting Jan. 1, Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships will be available to all adult couples (age 18+) regardless of sex. By state law, Oregon Registered Domestic Partnerships are granted all the same rights, benefits, and responsibilities as marriage

House Bill 2007, also known as the Oregon Family Fairness Act, was passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2007.  This bill established the Declaration of Domestic Partnership.  

The Declaration of Domestic Partnership is a legal form.  The forms must be signed by both individuals entering into the domestic partnership.  Signatures must be acknowledged by a Notary Public. Completed, signed, and notarized forms must be signed by a County Clerk to be valid.  The County Clerk then registers the form in a Domestic Partnership Registry. A copy of the completed form along with a "Certificate of Registered Domestic Partnership" can be given to the partners in person or by mail.

An FAA is an agreement between the youth and the juvenile counselor that does not involve the court. The FAA may include, but is not limited to Completing community service work, paying restitution to the victim, writing an essay or apology note, and successfully completing a drug/alcohol program.

This is when the appraisers physically inspect every property within a designated neighborhood market area to determine the physical condition and accuracy of county records of the real property, land and structures located on each tax lot parcel. This includes measuring buildings, detailing the type of construction, quality class and condition of all improvements, verifying the year built and depreciation of each improvement.

This is when the appraisers physically inspect every property within a designated neighborhood market area to determine the physical condition and accuracy of county records of the real property, land and structures located on each tax lot parcel. This includes measuring buildings, detailing the type of construction, quality class and condition of all improvements, verifying the year built and depreciation of each improvement.

A person or entity other than a transient lodging provider that facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging and charges for occupancy of the transient lodging.

A person who furnishes transient lodging. Where the transient lodging provider performs functions through a managing agent of any type or character other than an employee, the managing agent shall also be considered an operator for the purposes of this chapter and shall have the same duties and liabilities as the principal. Compliance with the provisions of this chapter by either the principal or the managing agent shall be considered to be compliance by both.

Hotel, motel, and inn dwelling units that are used for temporary overnight human occupancy; (b) Spaces used for parking recreational vehicles or erecting tents during periods of human occupancy; (c) Houses, cabins, condominiums, apartment units, or other dwelling units, or portions of any of these dwelling units that are used for temporary human occupancy.

“Local access road” means a public road that is not a county road, state highway or federal road. Local access roads are roads that have been dedicated to the public but not accepted by the County for maintenance. Local access roads can become County roads through the LID process.

If corrective action is needed, OHA generates a public alert to keep our communities safe and informed. Follow-up sampling by the water operator is a fairly common requirement when an alert is generated. 

The curfew for juveniles in Clatsop County is between midnight and 4 a.m. the following day, unless:

  • The minor is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other person 18 years of age or over and authorized by the parent.
  • The minor is then engaged in a lawful pursuit or activity, which requires the presence of the minor in such public places during these hours.
  • The minor is legally emancipated.

The total retail price, including all charges other than taxes, paid by a person for occupancy of the transient lodging.

Influenza (flu) is a virus that infects the nose, throat, windpipe and lungs. The virus is highly contagious and is spread from one person to another by coughing, sneezing or talking.

Statewide Ballot Measure 50 was approved by Oregon voters and passed by the 1997 Oregon Legislature as Senate Bill 1215.

This measure changed the way Oregon assesses property values and taxes. You can read more about Measure 50.

Probation is a method of holding people accountable for criminal acts while still allowing them to remain in the community.

When a youth is placed on probation, the court orders a set of rules and requirements that the youth must comply with before they are released from probation. Failure to follow these rules and requirements can result in the youth being placed in detention and/or facing further and more strict consequences.

Please visit our fee schedule to determine the cost of the permits you will need for you project.

A 1,000 gallon tank is the required minimum capacity for a home with 1-4 bedrooms. A 1,500 gallon tank is required for homes with 5 or more bedrooms. Specific septic tank capacities for commercial facilities are determined on a water use basis, generally a minimum of twice the projected daily sewage flow.  

Probation officers enforce the rules and requirements of probation and work with the youth and their families to achieve positive changes that will help the youth make better behavior choices in the future.

The holes in the return envelope allow us to make sure all materials are removed from the envelope when we are opening and processing the ballots.

In order to vote, your registration card must be postmarked or received 21 days prior to election day. Party registration changes must be received at an elections office by the registration deadline.

To check the status of a road, please visit our Public Works Webmaps page. Click here for a printable key for the jurisdiction of the roads. 


  1. Click OK for no use for legal purposes. 
  2. Search road by Find Taxlot or Find Road.
  3. Click the exact street name and view jurisdiction in the pop-up window to the left located at the top. 

For assistance, call (503) 325-1000 option 1.

If you need more information about a road, call Roads at (503) 325-8631 for road status information. Usually, we can tell you from our road maintenance records if a road is a county road, state highway, city street, local access road, or private road. However, it is difficult to give a definite answer for many unimproved roads without further research.

Vote By Mail is how registered voters submit their ballot in Oregon.

In 1998, Oregon voters approved a ballot measure directing all elections be conducted by mail, commonly called Vote By Mail. 

Instead of voters going to traditional polling places to cast ballots on election day, a ballot is mailed to each registered voter. Voters return their ballot to the county elections office and it is counted on Election Day. 

Vote By Mail 

  • Increases voter participation
  • Removes barriers that can keep people from getting to the polls
  • Allows people more time to study the issues and candidates before marking the ballot and
  • Saves taxpayer dollars

Usually small systems are operated by a community member or volunteer.  Outdated water system infrastructure is a common issue with small systems, requiring upgrades and maintenance. Leaks are a common issue in most water systems.

The good news is that the Environmental Protection Agency has earmarked millions of dollars in grant funding to help with the growing need for repairs and upgrades for small rural water systems. 

The "Help America Vote Act of 2002" changed voter registration requirements nationwide when voting in federal elections.

Starting Jan. 1, 2006, all individuals registering to vote are required to provide the following identifying information with their registration application:

  • If you have a current valid Oregon DMV Driver's License/ID, you must provide that number;
  • If you do not have a current valid Oregon DMV Driver's License/ID, you must check the appropriate box on the registration form and provide the last four digits of your Social Security number.

If you do not have a current, valid Oregon DMV Driver's License/ID or a Social Security number, you must check the appropriate box on the registration form and provide a copy of one of the following:

  • A current and valid photo identification that shows your name.  If an expiration date is provided on the photo identification, that identification must not have expired; or
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address.  The address listed must match the residence or mailing address submitted on your voter registration card.

This identification must be received in order to complete your registration for the next Federal Election (an election in which a federal candidate is nominated or elected).

When filling out the registration card, you must furnish your full name, residence address (and mailing address, if different), date of birth, political party preference, and your signature. Your residence address must be the address where you reside - not a post office box.

Generally, a development permit and a building permit are required. All permitted uses within the underlying zone also require both a development permit and a building permit.

Contact us for a copy of the development permit checklist. The checklist takes you through the specific steps necessary to obtain development and building permits.

Call us at (503) 325-8611 or stop by the office and staff will assist you.

The OHA Circuit Rider program is available for technical support and troubleshooting system challenges. It is paid for by the Oregon Drinking Water Revolving Fund and is free to operators who can receive up to 10 hours of support per issue.    

County staff is available for support to help answer questions, conduct site visits and surveys, and to provide operators with the support needed to return to compliance.

Oregon law prohibits the issuance of a concealed handgun license to anyone with a felony conviction, a misdemeanor conviction within the last four years, anyone on pretrial release, or anyone subject to a Family Abuse Prevention Act restraining order or stalking order. Oregon and Federal laws also prohibit a person from owning or possessing a gun if they have had a felony conviction that was reduced to a misdemeanor after completion of probation, any convictions of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence, or are subject to a court protective order that was issued after a hearing in which the person had an opportunity to participate which restrains the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or the child of an intimate partner.

The Sheriff may also deny the application if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant has been or is reasonably likely to be a danger to self or others, or to the community at large, as a result of the applicant’s mental or psychological state or as demonstrated by the applicant’s past pattern of behavior involving unlawful violence or threats of unlawful violence. 

During the intake interview, a juvenile counselor meets with the juvenile and their parents or guardians to explain what they can expect, and what is expected of them while working with the juvenile department.

The juvenile department has the option of holding the youth accountable through the juvenile court process or through a formal accountability agreement (FAA). This decision is made based on the severity of the crime, the youth’s level of involvement with the juvenile justice system, and the youth’s willingness to cooperate with the juvenile department.

The Land Surveyor's final product will vary with each survey (depending upon the reason for the survey), but generally you will be furnished with a copy of a signed and stamped plat or map showing what the Land Surveyor has done, showing the corners monumented or otherwise identified. A narrative on the map will describe why and how the survey was performed. Since 1947, Oregon law has required that all surveys performed by licensed surveyors (in which a property corner is set) be filed with the County Surveyor. Your survey should be on file and copies available to the public if it was performed after 1947.

The existing plan calls for two 12-foot wide traffic lanes and one 6-foot wide multiuse path.

Ballot opening and the counting of ballots for the May 21, 2024 Primary Election begins this XX/XX/XXXX and will continue until all ballots received by the election deadline are counted.

All ballots deposited in drop boxes by 8 p.m. Election Day will be counted and included in results announced on election night. 

Mailed ballots that arrive after Election Day but within the state-required seven-day deadline will be counted on XX/XX/XXXX.

Upon recording with the County Clerk when the Board order becomes final. This will generally be 60 days after the Board votes on the vacation, unless the ordinance includes an emergency clause, which would specify a shorter time.

Permit renewals, reinstatements, transfers, and authorization notices for systems that are less than five years old and that do not require alteration(s) of the septic system may not require a field visit.

The tax imposed by this chapter shall be paid by the Transient to the Transient Lodging Tax Collector at the time that rent is PAID. If rents for occupancy of a Transient Lodging were paid prior to January 1, 2019, taxes will not apply. If a reservation has been made but rents will not be collected until AFTER January 1, 2019 then taxes will need to be collected at the time rents are paid.

The Transient Lodging Tax Collector will remit the taxes to Clatsop County on a quarterly basis. They will receive a Transient Room Tax Return each quarter to be submitted along with their payment on April 15th, July 15th, October 15th, and January 15th.

The liability goes with the land and not the owner. Oregon law does not require it to be paid off unless the use of the land changes to something incompatible with returning to farm use (such as development). If the interested parties do not want the land to be encumbered, the buyer and seller may negotiate a payoff between themselves if they wish.

Partnership is prohibited and void:

  • When either party already has a living declared domestic partner, wife or husband,
  • When the parties in the domestic partnership are first cousins or any nearer of kin to each other, whether of the whole or half blood, computing by the rules of the civil law,
  • When either party is incapable of making the civil contract or consenting to the contract for want of legal age or sufficient understanding, or
  • When the consent of either party is obtained by force or fraud, the domestic partnership is void from the time it is so declared by a judgment of a court having jurisdiction of the domestic partnership.

The front and back of the tax statement show the dates when payments are due. Nov. 15, Feb. 15 and May 15 are the regularly scheduled dates to pay your tax bill in thirds without discount or interest.

You can read more about Your Property Tax Statement or Understanding Your Property Tax System.

Initial results are released at 8 p.m. on election day and are updated until all ballots have been counted.

Due to a new state law allowing ballots to be postmarked on Election Day, the results of some contests and measures may not be known until after Election Day.

The Board will hold two public hearings on proposed changes to Ordinance 22-01 and Ordinance 22-03.  The first public hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wed., April 13.  The second public hearing is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Wed., April 27.

Please write, fax or e-mail your request. Our staff is ready to provide the information you need.

Please read the Fee Schedule.


At the Clatsop County Elections Office, 820 Exchange Street, 2nd Floor, Astoria.

At a U.S. Post Office, a public library or an Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles office.

Or you can register online at http://sos.oregon.gov/voting.

You may also download and print a Voter Registration Card.

The proposed amendments are on the County’s website. You can also comdev [at] co.clatsop.or.us (email )the Community Development Department or call 503-325-8611.

You can take an on-line course through Oregon State Sheriff’s Association: https://oregonsheriffs.org/chl

You can either download/print the applications for a Site Evaluation, Construction/Installation permit, Alteration permit, Authorization notice, or Repair permit from this link here; or you can pick up the application for these permits at Clatsop County Environmental Health Office, located at 820 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, Oregon, 97103.

1% County Wide Tax Revenue

30% of the total revenue generated by the 1% county-wide tax will be distributed for Jail Operational Costs and the remaining 70% will be distributed to Tourism Promotion and related facilities.

9.5% Unincorporated Tax Revenue

The Revenue will be distributed as follows: 73.68% to the General Fund, 7.90%  to a separate account in the general fund to be used for public road and drainage improvements primarily in the Arch Cape Rural Community boundary, and 18.42% to a separate account for Tourism Promotion and related facilities.

The return envelope has been printed with a privacy weave, therefore eliminating the need for an optional secrecy envelope/sleeve. This has been approved by the Secretary of State"s Office.

Either individual may retain the individual's prior surname, and either individual may resume the individual's prior legal name during the domestic partnership.

In the State of Oregon only a Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) can legally assume the responsibility for a land survey. The Professional Land Surveyor is an individual whose highly specialized background, training and skills have been rigorously examined, and who has been licensed by the State of Oregon to practice land surveying.

The vacated property usually reverts to the abutting owners up to the center of the road. However, depending on how the road is owned or how the vacation is requested, title to the land may go separately from abutting ownerships. The Board could also order a different reversion of the property based on information brought forth at the public hearing or in the petition.

Any individual who exercises occupancy or is entitled to occupancy in a Transient Lodging for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less.

Suppose testing is conducted in the employer’s own direction (for example, requiring a test after traveling). In that case, the employer is responsible for covering the costs of testing, including but not limited to the COVID-19 test itself, employee time, and employee travel. However, if the employer is not requesting the test, the employer is not expected to cover the direct cost of such testing or any involved employee travel.

The transient lodging provider or a transient lodging intermediary.

You must. Our office makes every effort to send the tax statement to you, however, you are responsible to pay the tax whether or not you receive the statement.

Use this form to notify us of an address change online.

The influenza vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older. Children under 9 years of age who have never received an influenza vaccine require two doses. If a child under 9 years of age was immunized for the first time last season and only received one dose, he requires two doses this season.

The nasal version (FluMist) is only recommended for healthy people between 2 and 49 years of age and has the advantage of inducing an excellent immune response without requiring a shot.

The vacated property usually reverts to the abutting owners up to the center of the road. However, depending on how the road is owned or how the vacation is requested, title to the land may go separately from abutting ownership. The Board could also order a different reversion of the property based on information brought forth at the public hearing or in the petition.

Based on Oregon Revised Statutes and the Oregon Department of Revenue rules and guidelines, the Assessment and Taxation Department is required to properly assess the value of all land and improvements at 100% of Real Market Value.  Since the passage of Ballot Measure 50, this has been and continues to be primarily completed by sales ratio analysis or mass appraisal procedures. To ensure that the appraisal process is done correctly, the appraisal department must verify additions to property, and destruction/deletion of structures, as well as the condition of existing improvements. In a reappraisal, appraisers make sure that every property has been properly valued by reviewing the real market value (RMV) of all property. For example: If your garage has not been maintained and has severely declined in physical condition, but the previous appraisal record indicates that it is in “good” condition, the appraiser needs to note and adjust the real market value of the garage. 

Based on Oregon Revised Statutes and the Oregon Department of Revenue rules and guidelines, the Assessment and Taxation Department is required to properly assess the value of all land and improvements at 100% of Real Market Value.  Since the passage of Ballot Measure 50, this has been and continues to be primarily completed by sales ratio analysis or mass appraisal procedures. To ensure that the appraisal process is done correctly, the appraisal department must verify additions to property, and destruction/deletion of structures, as well as the condition of existing improvements. In a reappraisal, appraisers make sure that every property has been properly valued by reviewing the real market value (RMV) of all property. For example: If your garage has not been maintained and has severely declined in physical condition, but the previous appraisal record indicates that it is in “good” condition, the appraiser needs to note and adjust the real market value of the garage. 

Road paving decisions are made based on many different factors. The primary factor is the condition of the road segment. Some road segments are in “poor” condition and shouldn't be overlaid. These poor road segments must be reconstructed. Paving a road that may look pretty good extends the life of the road segment at a much lower cost than reconstruction.

The influenza vaccine is given every year because the strains of influenza viruses that circulate every year are different. Influenza is unique in its ability to change the proteins that reside on the surface of the virus. These changes mean that people naturally infected or immunized one year might not be protected the next year.

An "authorization notice" evaluates if the existing sewage disposal system is adequate for a specific use. This can include reconnecting to, changing the use of, or increasing the projected daily sewage flow of an existing septic system. Some authorization notices require a field visit. Authorization notice evaluations are usually completed in 7-10 business days.

A file review is required for additions to existing buildings, such as construction of outbuildings, swimming pools, decks, etc., to ensure the placements of these structures do not infringe on any portion of the existing septic system or the replacement area. A file review is completed within 2-5 business days after we receive a completed application.

The existing road being used for heavy hauling to the Teevin Bros., barging operation was not designed to carry the number of anticipated heavy loads.  The County cannot safely reconstruct Westport Ferry Road to continue to accommodate truck traffic safely due to right-of-way constraints and the proximity of Plympton Creek.  In order to reconstruct Westport Ferry Road and have a measure of safety, the road would end up being a one-way road with a curb on the west side of the road and a sidewalk on the east side.  This would then require traffic from the ferry landing/Teevins barging operations to use Old Mill Town to access Hwy. 30. 

Old Mill Town would have to be reconstructed and realigned to allow for truck traffic.  Reconstructing Old Mill Town would also require significant alteration of the Hwy. 30 intersection as well as reconstructing sewer and water lines.  Any alteration of either Westport Ferry Road or Old Mill Town Road requires improvement of the associated rail crossing(s).

In December 2018, the County held a community meeting at the union hall on Old Mill Town Road.  In that meeting the County proposed two options; 1) Reconstruct Westport Ferry Road with two 12-foot wide lanes, or 2) Reconstruct Old Mill Town Road with two 12-foot wide lanes and a 6-foot multiuse path.  The sentiment at the meeting was neither option was what the community wanted.  The community wanted a new road constructed to remove the heavy truck traffic out of the residential community for safety and livability.  The County believes it has found a potential way to do so and is currently engaged with the two property owners attempting to acquire the property to fulfill the community’s request.

The railroad, Genesee & Wyoming has a policy that for every new crossing that is opened two must be closed.  Since there are only two in the community, they require one to be closed so that there is a secondary road into the community.

The rail crossing mentioned is a private crossing and the County has no authority to close it.  Furthermore, since the railroad's policy is to close two crossings for every new one, they could require that to be closed as well as the proposed closure of the Westport Ferry Road crossing.

Any act or condition occurring that would prevent a person from receiving a license, would be grounds for revoking the license.

If you applied for your concealed handgun license or renewal of license through our website, you will receive an emailed reminder to renew your license.  If received your license prior to our new website process in September of 2021, you will not receive a reminder. 

Your taxes are limited to change by the passage in 1997 of Ballot Measure 50, which was a constitutional amendment to the law limiting increases to property taxes for “ongoing maintenance and repairs” (GOMAR) for average to average plus condition of structures and other improvements. Exceptions to the rule pertain to omitted property, new improvements, and new construction over and above maintenance and repairs which may significantly change the quality class and market depreciation of a structure. For example, if a house is in average condition for age, GOMAR would be: replacing windows, new roof shingles, painting the exterior/ interior, replacing built-in kitchen appliances or bathroom fixtures, replacing floor coverings, and replacing an old furnace with a new furnace.

Please note that the appraisers are only looking for the real market value of the property. Appraisers are not qualified to determine building or code violations. 

Your taxes are limited to change by the passage in 1997 of Ballot Measure 50, which was a constitutional amendment to the law limiting increases to property taxes for “ongoing maintenance and repairs” (GOMAR) for average to average plus condition of structures and other improvements. Exceptions to the rule pertain to omitted property, new improvements, and new construction over and above maintenance and repairs which may significantly change the quality class and market depreciation of a structure. For example, if a house is in average condition for age, GOMAR would be: replacing windows, new roof shingles, painting the exterior/ interior, replacing built-in kitchen appliances or bathroom fixtures, replacing floor coverings, and replacing an old furnace with a new furnace.

Please note that the appraisers are only looking for the real market value of the property. Appraisers are not qualified to determine building or code violations. 

Yes, the ballot will be counted.

The County Clerk will provide you a copy of the form for $0.25 after it is registered.  If you require a certified copy, the cost is $7.75 plus $4 mailing fee.  You will also receive a Certificate of Registered Domestic Partnership.  These documents can be given to you in person or mailed to you for a mailing fee of $5.00.

No. The license only allows you to carry a handgun concealed. You may not conceal any weapon as defined by ORS 166.240 which includes a knife with a fixed blade, a knife that has a blade that swings into position by force of a spring or centrifugal force, a dirk, dagger, ice pick, slung shot, metal knuckles, or similar instruments. You also cannot conceal a rifle or shotgun.

Surveyors do not prove ownership, but he/she will give you their professional opinion of what the records and facts indicate your ownership to be. This opinion is satisfactory under most normal circumstances. Only a court of law can determine ownership more decisively than a qualified Land Surveyor.

The County will not be bonding this project, it will be built using existing County Road District funds that are collected at a permanent levy rate of 1.0175/$1,000 of assessed values, as well as any State or Federal funds that may be received.

ODOT is favorable to the proposal of a crosswalk. We are working with them to look into the process.

Go to http://sos.oregon.gov/voting and click My Vote to see if you are registered in Clatsop County.

You may also call our office at (503) 325-8511 or email clerk [at] co.clatsop.or.us (.)

A mechanical permit is required to do the following:

  • Install or change any part of a heating or cooling system that must be vented into any kind of chimney, including unvented decorative appliances
  • Install a woodstove, fireplace insert, pellet stove, or related venting
  • Install, alter, or repair gas piping between the meter and an appliance (indoors or outdoors)
  • Install bath fans, dryer exhausts, kitchen range exhausts, and appliances that are required to be vented

If you are not sure you need a permit, call the Building Codes Division, (503) 338-3697.

Contractors are able to apply for and purchase permits online with Epermitting at BuildingPermits.Oregon.gov.

Non-Contractors/Homeowners are able to submit applications by mail, fax, email. After we receive the application, we will process the application and email a link to pay the fees online through the ePermitting program. Once issued, the permit will be emailed to you.  

As the owner of a one- or two-family dwelling, you or an immediate family member can do it yourself. A friend, neighbor, tenant or family relative cannot legally be paid to do any work unless he or she is a CCB-registered contractor. If you choose to hire a contractor, they must be a Construction Contractors Board (CCB) registered contractor to do the work. Only a licensed journeyman or apprentice plumber employed by a licensed plumbing contractor or an individual licensed by the State of Oregon State Fire Marshal may legally install propane piping.

If applying for a permit to install or replace a woodstove or fireplace insert, you will be asked whether the appliance is certified to meet Department of Environmental Quality emission standards. The inspector will check the label on the stove or stove insert at the time of inspection. If you are not sure whether the appliance is certified to meet emission standards, ask the dealer or a mechanical inspector.

If you have questions regarding a contractor's eligibility to perform work on your property, call the Construction Contractors Board, (503) 378-4621 or (503) 365-7484.

A recall election occurs when enough registered voters residing in a district sign a petition stating they want the elected official to be recalled. The number of registered voters required is stated in Oregon Revised Statute 249.870

The district where the recall is occurring is responsible for paying the cost of the recall election.

Yes. During the petition gathering process and through certification of election, the elected official is authorized to conduct the duties of that office.

The number of votes needed for a recall to be successful is 50% plus one. In other words, if 200 registered voters cast ballots, 101 votes need to be in favor of recalling the elected official. 

In Oregon, individuals may return their ballots by mail. These postmarked ballots must be received by seven days after an election to be valid. After that date, the Clatsop County Clerk has until the 27th day after the election to certify the election results. ORS 254.546(1)

If the number of votes necessary to recall the elected official is not reached, the elected official remains in office for the remainder of their term.

The recalled official may not file for the remainder of their term but may refile for a brand-new term when it is next on the ballot.

The elected official leaves office as soon as the election is certified.

The Clatsop County Clerk declares that the tabulation and canvassing of the election are complete and accurate and that the election results are a true and accurate accounting of all votes cast in a particular election. 

Depending upon the number of candidates, measures, and votes cast, the certification process can take up to 27 days to complete. ORS 254.545(3)

If the recall is successful, the position becomes vacant and is filled in accordance with state statute, local charter or ordinance. 

The remaining Seaside City Councilors will appoint a registered voter in Ward One to serve out the remainder of the term which expires in December 2026.